Published March 07, 2013 by with 0 comment

Composition Of A Good Photograph

15 Tips on Composition

1. Tell A Story - A picture is worth a thousand words.

2. Observe Law Of Thirds - Divide the frame into thirds horizontally or vertically. Position your subject on the lower or upper third or along intersections.

3. Keep The Subject Off Center - give a breathing space to the subject. Placing the subject off-center can make the composition more dynamic and pleasing to the eye.

4. Accent Composition - Accent is a little element found attach to the subject of the photo.

5. Draw composition - Adding, altering and removing of elements in the composition is actually drawing a composition.

6. Vary perspective - change your perspective using bird's eye view, worm or normal view.

7. Use Deep Depth Of Field - use small aperture (f8, f11, f16, f22) when shooting landscape, crowd, rows and group of people. Everything is sharp from foreground to background.

8. Blur Backgrounds And Other Supporting Elements - Use big aperture (f5.6 and below) to emphasize or to make the subject really stand out.

9. Give Lines Spiritual Meaning - Examples: Vertical lines(power, ambitions), Horizontal lines (peace, serenity) and so on. Everywhere you turn, lines are on display in all forms and sizes. Sample of a strong leading lines could be the arc of a rainbow, graceful meander of a streams or the angle of a picket fence. Lines act as visual connectors between one part of a composition and another.

10. Frame Your Subject - Compress a subject using an arch , window, door , wall anything that can frame a subject . Framing provides context to a photograph , it is a useful visual technique that focuses attention directly on the most important part of the composition , leading the viewer 's eye toward the main focal point .

11. Bracket Composition - shoot subject in different exposure and distance. Bracketing exposure can help you capture better photographs.

12. K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Sweetheart) - exclude everything that is unrelated to the subject.

13. Avoid False Attachments -Watch for elements that may look funny in your composition.

14. Use Contrast in tones, sizes, shapes, textures and colors.

15. Shoot Interesting Skies - Lessen the area when clouds are not interesting.

                  Footstep became a leading line to a woman
Source: Foot steps of Jose Rizal

                            Ruined door is framed by an arc
Source: Fort Santiago

Breaking the Rules

Situations for Ignoring the Rules:
-Setting appropriate mood and energy level
-Adding humor
-Photographing people and animals
-Photographing scenes with dominant symmetry
Ignoring the Rule Of Thirds often involve simple compositions with a singular subject, symmetrical arrangement of elements or a plain background.
Ignoring the Rule Of Space creates spatial allowances behind the subject. Placement of elements allowing a small amount of "active" space in the subject's leading direction emphasize where the subject has been rather that where it's going.

Breaking the standard portrait rules can produce a more insightful and interesting portrait that creates a mood and reveals more about the subject's character.
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